From the Bill:

Senators who did the right thing and voted yes!: Adams, Addabbo, Alesi, Avella, Breslin, Carlucci, Dilan, Duane, Espaillat, Gianaris, Grisanti, Hassell-Thompson, Huntley, Kennedy, Klein, Krueger, Kruger, McDonald, Montgomery, Oppenheimer, Parker, Peralta, Perkins, Rivera, Saland, Sampson, Savino, Serrano, Smith, Squadron, Stavisky, Stewart-Cousins, and Valesky.
Senators who voted no, attempting to stand in the way of justice and progress: Ball, Bonacic, DeFrancisco, Diaz, Farley, Flanagan, Fuschillo, Gallivan, Golden, Griffo, Hannon, Johnson, Lanza, Larkin, LaValle, Libous, Little, Marcellino, Martins, Maziarz, Nozzolio, O'Mara, Ranzenhofer, Ritchie, Robach, Seward, Skelos, Young, Zeldin.
I watched live on CNN and almost couldn't believe it, but happily realized, yes it's true! The final vote was 33 to 29! YES! I don't understand how anyone doesn't agree "Same sex couples should have the same access as others to the protections, responsibilities, rights, obligations, and benefits of civil marriage. Stable family relationships help build a stronger society." I especially find it mind boggling when I see anyone who isn't a white man working to oppress anyone, not that I don't find all oppression equally mind boggling or that I think all white men are oppressive; and because I'm a woman, I find it especially disturbing when I see women trying to withhold other women from equality due to sexual orientation. It makes my heart hurt, but today I will simply smile for everyone in this state who now knows that their ceremony will mean more than just professing their love in front people they care about, but it means the state recognizes them as a couple and they too, will receive the benefits of the institution of marriage that is rightly theirs.

Here are some articles if you'd like to read more:
New York Allows Same-Sex Marriage, Becoming Largest State to Pass Law
We Won! Marriage Victory in New York!
Gay Marriage Bill Passes in New York; Governor Cuomo Signs Same Sex Marriage Bill Into Law
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