Monday, February 21, 2011

A Decade Later

My mother is ten years cancer free today. This is a piece I wrote and submitted in my portfolio for my grad school applications. I love you mama. This poem is for you. 

The Worm

I didn’t know your name then,
But your blue greys, my sedative—

Your breasts, my world,
What I came to know best in those early months—

You, my milk machine,
I ate,

Swallowing all of your
White promises—

Thick milk dripped,

Ripe apples
Oozing their sweetness—

Sometime between then
And now,

A worm ate its way into you
Rotting your flesh—

I ached to clean up the mess
But this was out of

My hands, out of
Your hands,

Into the doctor’s hands:
They sliced you up and cut

Pieces of you completely out
As if you were their re-creation.

Now, a scar swings up your side
From beyond your bellybutton

Curving up the battlefield
Where they saved you

But left you mangled—
Staring at your delicate body,

I learned your name then,
And all the meaning behind it.

by: Laura A. Illiano

(High School Graduation, June 2001)

Any comments or questions can be sent to my email: Thanks.

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